Scarlet Alert

A response to (rant against?) the insanity of the world.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Katrina as a Metaphor for Peak OilH

Offered for consideration by Richard Heinberg at the Peak Oil & Community Solutions Conference, September 23-25, Yellow Springs, OH:

Katrina is a metaphor for how peak oil will play out...

  1. We had plenty of warning...
  2. There was a shameful lack of response...
  3. Communities were overwhelmed...
  4. The most effective were the smaller groups who did their own coordinating

Well, at least there's an up-note at the end there...

Heinberg went on to say that Hurrican Katrina also served as a teaching opportunity. Higher gas prices will bring on stress that will hopefully raise the general understanding of our dependence on oil, encouraging people to become more informed and make better choices and decisions about how they live their lives.


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